Nigger rig china. My god China getting as bad as peru and brazil with 322. Only reason brazil and peru get a pass for it is because they are piss poor countries. Lmao.
Wonder what that 20 minute delay was about.
<br/>Id put my money on AVULUS to win matchwinner, If I was slightly more confident I would have taken -1.5
Cant say I am suprised with this immediate throw from falcons map 1.
<br/>Seeing they are mainly russian based team 1win threw against nouns yesterday in finals.
Nigger rig china. My god China getting as bad as peru and brazil with 322. Only reason brazil and peru get a pass for it is because they are piss poor countries. Lmao. <br/>Dogs.
Then they go 3 18 map 2. So ducking obvious throw man. Fuck liquid
Nigger dota.
Top rated team in Dota falling to 38thed ranked nooname players and team. Disgusting nigger tactics
Nigger 322
Well theres the 322. How?
Wonder what that 20 minute delay was about. <br/>Id put my money on AVULUS to win matchwinner, If I was slightly more confident I would have taken -1.5 <br/> <br/>Goodluck
Cant say I am suprised with this immediate throw from falcons map 1. <br/>Seeing they are mainly russian based team 1win threw against nouns yesterday in finals.
Great throw by alch and team map 2.
what happened map 3