Avoif bettinh on neon
<br/>Checking livegame and neon has been throwing game since start, game was going on for 10min and neon was already 6towers behind and they didnt even try to get towers. Trolling fixing trash team who fixing so their families could eat
ehome 2-1
Pure clownfiesta, MK clearly playing for odds over 35min+ over 60kills
extreme win
2-1 ehome
Map2 showed us how much throwing one team could do to lose this game. <br/>Ob neon is trash and blacklisted
Avoif bettinh on neon <br/>Checking livegame and neon has been throwing game since start, game was going on for 10min and neon was already 6towers behind and they didnt even try to get towers. Trolling fixing trash team who fixing so their families could eat <br/>BLACKLISTED TEAM FOR THROWING
Wasted spot for boom, disband pls
Noce throw